The dental field is an extremely saturated one. Google Ads Campaigns is a pivotal part of any digital marketing strategy. That’s why we’ve put together this PPC case study involving one of our recent success stories. You’ll find out how we helped to achieve outstanding results for a dental practice in a competitive area with our Google Ads Services.

Project Information

Region of Promotion: Kiev and Kiev region, 20 km in a radius from Kiev

Priority Search Engine: Google (69.94% of traffic)

Average Monthly Traffic (for the last 6 months): 1050 visitors

Business Features

The online market for dental services is traditionally highly competitive. Demand and offer are growing at an equally rapid pace. In addition, the dental center is located in Kiev. This further influences the struggle for high positions in the search.

The Challenge

The customer noticed that he was receiving more calls if the announcements were at the first position of the first search page. Due to high competition, steady results were not achieved for him. Our goal was to hold the customer's advertisements in the first place and, as a result, increase the number of calls.

The Solution:

  • optimize Google Ads campaign - reconfigure campaigns to match the needs and characteristics of the target audience.
  • work regularly with keywords to find the most relevant words for your subject. In the dental promotion niche, the price of the clique is high enough. Therefore, careful selection of keywords with the exception of irrelevant queries is necessary. This is how we help customers avoid the extra cost of contextual advertising;
  • monitor campaign results quickly-to control conversion, estimate costs, and quickly adjust.

The Services We Have Been Working to Promote:

  • Google Ads - create, configure, and advertise.
  • Google Search - displays context ads in the top search.
  • The Google Display Network - posting of advertisements on Google partner sites.
  • Google Analytics - analyze the results of our work.
  • The Google Tag Manager helps simplify the settings for the conversion tracking, the collection of user lists, and other metrics.

Пример объявления

Пример объявления

Пример объявления


In the Project, We Used:

Advertising campaign directions:

  • a search campaign;
  • a context-media network (CMN) campaign;
  • a videocampaign on YouTube.


Advertising campaign directions:

  • General and category requests (direct service advertising)-"make an appointment to the dentist", "tooth implant", "aesthetic restoration of teeth", "surgical dentistry", "implantation of teeth", etc.  As a result, the user sees announcements about each service in the center and understands its characteristics.
  • On brands and navigational requests. In the first stage of the campaign, we did not use a brandy request. The site has already taken the first place in the organic results. There was no point in spending the client's money on contextual advertising. In a few months, the competition in the niche has grown. We've included several branding requests in the ads and managed to win a position. In addition, we added the navigation requests "sign up to * Center name *", "Center * name * in the map," in 90% of announcements. That was the way we evaluated the effectiveness of the previous campaigns and increased brand recognition.
  • On dynamic search queries. The Google DSA technology automatically finds the most relevant landing page. It allows you to evaluate the search engine site to match content to users' expectations.  The technology has maximized the reach of the audience, helped to increase target traffic and conversion, and it took a minimum of tuning time. 

We did not include remarketing ads in the promotion. Google rules prohibit the resending of advertisements to users who have already visited such topics not to offend them.

Our specialists have set up ads on the following parameters:

Show time

The videocampaign- Daily 15:00-20:00

Search campaign-Daily 10:00-18:00

Campaign in CMN every day, around the clock


For a search campaign - the "Target placement on a search page" strategy. It helps you choose the best bid for ads to go be the top search results

Placement Positions

1st position at the 1st page of results

Daily budget

330 UAH/day for all campaigns

Number of extensions

5- maximum to reduce the price of the clique:

-structured descriptions;

-expanded information on services;

-additional data-links, address, phone numbers

With manual bids management, we kept the show in the right positions. The limit value of the clique was specified in the settings. They also made:

  • different bids for ad groups and queries;
  • analysis of income from advertising locations;
  • budget optimization under the most clickable ads.

Work That We Have Undertaken:

  • Set up the Google Analytics counter and then maintenance
  • Google Analytics and Google Adwords  -for accurate, complete, and timely evaluation of campaign results
  • Set up the campaign structure by section of the site. Create a separate ad group for each service and match the requests
  • Divide a campaign into categories with different targeting. We've divided the audience into interest groups. Затем настроили показ на релевантные или околотематические площадки - форумы о здоровье, новостники, справочники, т.п.
  • Daily search queries analysis-to expand the keywords and minus-words lists
  • A/B or split ads test. So we were able to identify the most clickable and the conversion ads.
  • Regular monitoring and budget optimization. Due to the high competition in the niche and the region, we automated the bids adjustment rule. Now every day in 22:00, the system analyzes the position of declarations for each key word in 24 hours. If she sees that the current rate is low for 1 position, it increases it by 50%. In the same time, we have limited the value of the maximum rate for the clique. Its size can not exceed 60 UAH. 
  • Allocation of daily budgets for the most conversion services. In popular groups, "Implants", "Dentistry", "Surgery," we set up a 50% rate increase for mobile devices.

Results of Our Work:


Before the cooperation

Current results of cooperation

Total advertisement coverage (number of shows)

1 month - 4431


Number of entries 

1 month - 325


Average CTR of ads 

1 month - 0,28%


Average bounce rate (calculated for the period of cooperation) 

1 month - 79,75%


Conversion coefficient 

For all campaigns - 2.92%, search only - 44.87%

For all campaigns - 4.06%, search only - 52.35%

The customer is satisfied with the result and continues to cooperate with our team.

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