SEOTM presents new released product! Its coporate website project for "UKRTRANSINTER", which is a leading company in stocks and customs in Ukraine. The website contains information about company, services, news and useful info on customs clearance.. Our company keeps on developing & improving the project for  "UKRTRANSINTER".

Effective corporate website

We have developed a corporate website, which effectively interacts with target audience, it allows to operate requests on the website, it also provides all the necessary information about services. Our specialists have thoroughly analyzed the company, its competitors and the field this company works in. Our team was using up-to-date technologies while developing the project. You can find more info in corporate websites development.

Type of a site
Corporate site
By Industries
Goods and services,Business, finance and consulting,Machinery and equipment
Count of pages
up to 100
Installed modules
News,Articles,Feedback,Gallery of images,Dynamic structured pages of site
By Years
The Best

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